KGB Keylogger 4.5 - monitor user activities

KGB Keylogger 4.5

KGB Keylogger offers you several integrated tools to monitor user activities. Each tool keeps track of a different activity. You can use it not only to log key strokes, but also to record clipboard entries and web sites. All activities are logged into a file, and supported with snapshots.

Features of KGB Keylogger 4.5 


Logging Settings

Logging Settings - On this page you can adjust logging settings for each user.
Managing monitoring settings - To modify monitoring settings for selected user:
In the Logging window of the Settings section, select the user to adjust monitoring settings for. The description of the user will appear below the user list.
In the settings frame at the top, select the parameters to be monitored for the selected user or deselect the parameters to be not monitored. 

The following monitoring parameters are available:
Keystrokes Typed - monitors words and phrases typed by user during session.
Screenshots - monitors screenshots of events that have appeared on user's screen during monitored session.
Web Sites Visited - monitors the list of websites visited by user during monitored session.
Program Activity - monitors programs run and closed by user during monitored session.
Clipboard - monitors clipboard content for different time spans during monitored session.
Computer Activity - monitors times when the computer was started, shut down, suspended, rebooted, etc.
Hiding and Showing User -To hide user from the main user list

Password Settings
Here you can password-protect the program's settings and replace existing password with a new one.

To enable password protection:

In the Password group, select the Enable password protect option.
Click on the Current password field and then type in your current password.
Click on the New password field and then type in the new password.
Click on the Confirm new password field and then type in the new password once more.
Click Apply to apply changes.

Delivery Settings
Users' log files can be delivered via E-mail or FTP.
E-mail Delivery

To enable e-mail delivery:
In the Delivery group, select the E-mail option.
Click on the E-mail field and then enter your E-mail address.
Click on the [...] button by the E-mail field and then specify the remaining E-mail account details.
Click Apply to apply changes.

FTP Delivery
To enable FTP delivery:

In the Delivery group, select the FTP option.
Click on the FTP field and then enter your FTP server name or IP address.
Click on the [...] button by the FTP field and then specify the remaining FTP account details.
Click Apply to apply changes

Log File Format and Delivery Period
To specify log file format and delivery period:
In the Send log via E-mail or FTP group, click on the Send every... field and then adjust how often new log data is to be delivered to you.
Click on the down arrow by the Lot type field and then select the desired data format on the list that appears.
Click Apply to apply changes.
Note: Before trying to set the file format and delivery period, enable the delivery by selecting an option in the Delivery group.

Testing Delivery Channel
To test new FTP/E-mail connection:
Enable the desired delivery methods by selecting the corresponding checkboxes in the Delivery group.
Click Test to test the connection. 

Application Filters
Define, which applications are to be monitored and logged.

Adding New Filters
To define new filter:
In the Filters group, click on the [...] button and select the application to be logged.
Click on the Add button to add that application to the filters list.
Select how this application is to be served and then click Apply.
There is a number of ways how a monitored application can be served:

Do not use filter - the program will ignore filters.
Intercept the programs from the list only - the program will log running applications only if they are on this list.
Don't intercept the programs from the list - the program will log all running applications except those that are on this list. 

Deleting Filters
To delete an application filter:
IIn the Filters group, select the filter to be deleted and then click Delete.
Click Apply to apply changes. 

To delete all filters:
Click on the Clear All button.
Click Apply to apply changes. 

Screen Shots

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